<% Const cPrevPicText="Previous picture (or use the keyboard left arrow instead)" Const cNextPicText="Next picture (or use the keyboard right arrow instead)" Const cAComments="author comments" Const cVComments="visitor comments" Const cEmpty="[empty]" Const cVisitorComments="Visitor comments:" Const cFileName="File name:" Const cPicsPerRow="Pics per row:" Const cCommentAdded="Comment added" Const cYourName="Your name:" Const cYourEMail="Your e-mail:" Const cComments="Comments:" Const cPostYourComments="Post your comments" Const cAuthorComments="Author comments:" Const cOn="on" Const cSaid="said:" Const cSetMaximumSize="Set maximum size to:" Const cChange="change" Const cSub="sub." Const cCurrentFolder="Current folder:" Const cThisFolderHasNoImages="This folder has no images" Const cError="Error:" Const cErrorSavingCommentTo="Error saving comment to" Const cErrorMessage="Error message:" Const cErrorReadingXMLCommentsFile="Error reading XML comments file" Const cCheckConfigErr="Check configuration." Const cNames="Names" Const cSearchPictures="Search by picture name:" Const cSearch="Search" Const cNoResultsFoundFor="No results found for" Const cRecentComments="most recent comments" Const cViewImage="[view image]" Const cViewFolder="[view folder]" Const cImagesShort="items" Const cCommentsShort="comments" Const cGalleryHome="gallery home" Const cScriptHomepage="gallery script homepage" %>